Wednesday 25 November 2015

Sydney living expenses

Cost of living in Sydney (per month) for a single person:

  1. Rent: $250 pw. $1000 per month
  2. Mobile phone: $45 (Unlimited calls, texts and 2GB data).
  3. Public transport : $160 per month
  4. Gas & Electricity : $150
  5. Internet : $60
  6. Groceries : $500
Other expenses:
  1. Hair cut : $30
  2. Going out/Drink/Food/party : $300
  3. Vehicle Insurance: $90
  4. Vehicle Tax: $60
  5. Tolls/e-tag : $20
  6. Petrol: $60
  7. Clothes/Shopping : $150
This is an estimated pricing, you can offcourse spend more/less depending on your lifestyle.

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